Privacy conditions:
MAGOM S.L. guarantees all rights related to the privacy of our users, complying with the requirements marked by Spanish law (Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Information (Official State Gazette 14/12/1999), and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Official State Gazette 12/07/2002)).
Consequently, if you decide to use the MAGOM S.L. contact forms, information will be requested which is strictly necessary for attaining the purpose to which this section of the website is devoted, which is none other than to facilitate communication between users and MAGOM S.L. in order to provide information on news, recent developments and promotions. To this effect, you will be asked to provide personal details such as (at least): name, surname, telephone number and email address. The processing of this data will take place solely for these purposes.
By clicking on SEND, the user gives his or her consent for such processing for fulfilment of the service.
Email communication:
MAGOM S.L. would like our users to be able to use email to find out about our news, recent developments and promotions quickly, personally and free of charge. For this reason, MAGOM S.L.provides a Newsletter service exclusively for those users who have given prior authorisation, with information on matters related to our organisation and, circumstantially, to other services MAGOM S.L. considers may be of interest, although they are provided by a third party.The aforementioned authorisation is considered to be granted when, in the process of requesting and sending data on a contact form, MAGOM S.L. duly informs the user of the option of receiving this Newsletter and the user does not object.
MAGOM S.L. has a mechanism through which users can request, simply and free of charge, to be excluded from the Newsletter service. To do so, the user should send an email from the address where information from MAGOM received, writing REMOVE in the subject line. This explanation will also appear at the bottom of all emails sent by MAGOM S.L.
User consent
Users will be understood to have accepted the established conditions if they press the SEND button found on the contact form.
All personal data collected from our users is stored in a database owned by MAGOM S.L., which guarantees the necessary technical and structural measures to preserve the integrity and safety of personal data provided.
All data collected is appropriate, pertinent and not excessive with regard to the fixed, explicit and legitimated field, objectives and services of MAGOM S.L. This data will not be accessible by or transferred to any third party company for exploitation. In this regard, MAGOM S.L. undertakes not to reveal any of this data or share it with other companies.
Right of Objection, Correction and Rectification of data
The user is entitled to access this information, rectify it if it is wrong and have it removed from the database. In the latter case, MAGOM S.L. shall automatically delete the information.